Saturday, November 26, 2011

Zaftig A Case For Curves

Zaftig is a Yiddish word meaning ripe or luscious, and is commonly applied to curvaceous women. This blog celebrates these women principally through the lens of my cameras.
The photos included in these blogs will consist of women who I have had the opportunity to photograph over several years. They are not professional models. They are the ladies next door. The ladies you might see in the grocery store or pharmacy. They are of various sizes and ages. But they most have one thing in common and that is they have curves. They are soft and beautiful. Some are older and some younger. They are all over the age of 18.
I have long appreciated the beauty I see in these women. Even as a young man growing up I was what probably today would be called a chubby chaser. When I selected the young lady who is now my wife she was one of the chubby ladies I so admired.
You will note that most of the faces have been altered to protect their identities. This is at their request and I respect that.
I encourage your comments. Please treat my models with respect.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really glad you discovered my blog so that I could discover yours!
    And I'm really glad it seems that I discovered it at the beginning.
    I shall follow your work with a lot of pleasure.
    It's great to see beautiful photos of ladies like this in this time where starvation to get a skinny look seems to become quite normal.
    Hope to see much more of your work!
